Seasonal Pricing Strategy for Sellers

Seasonal Pricing Strategy for Sellers

For some nine years running, residential real estate in California has been riding a tide of strong housing demand, sustaining a mostly seller-friendly market. But amid that overall momentum, there isll still be seasonal swings at work to keep sellers on their toes.

Homebuyers Sidestep Cyber Fraud

Homebuyers Sidestep Cyber Fraud

We’ve seen how technology has redefined the real estate business – making our home buying and selling experiences faster and more convenient, and putting more useful information in the hands of consumers and Realtors alike. But advancements in modern...
Truth Justice and the Home Improvement Way

Truth Justice and the Home Improvement Way

“Curb Appeal” – the aesthetic impact that home hunter feel when they see a house form the street – is a well-established factor for attracting potential buyers. It’s no wonder those remodeling projects that influence first impressions are providing the greatest return on investment for homeowners.